Sunday, 17 April 2016

How Cell Phones and Bluetooth Headsets are Safe

We must stop thinking that could have damaging consequences for us too dependent on modern technologies. It regularly used by many things in our daily lives without a second thought can have a big impact on our health! Computers, televisions, microwave ovens, mobile phones and many other such modern gadgets emit radiation harmful for our body.

So the question is the mobile phone and Bluetooth profit or dock-headset? They can be used safely, or it can cause irreversible damage to us? Extensive research was conducted on the influence of peripheral devices, such as a Bluetooth headset to the body, such as a mobile phone. It shows that the number of side effects may result from the use of these devices. We mistakenly believed to be safe affected by radiation a specific industry and military facilities, but using these modern gadgets of everyday life, ordinary people do not save too! A harmful effect of mobile phone use is also simple headache and fatigue, cancer changed! Our environment is full of electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by these modern machines cannot do without us. This continued exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields can cause irreparable DNA damage increased as well as other risks to health and blood pressure.

These gill is unavoidable, the use of these devices. Many people around the world, including all children often use mobile phones. So, the more secure it is better than sorry! But all hope is not lost! This protection can provide from radiation hazards are products now available on the market. An alternative is the anti-radiation headphones air tube. This unique handset can reduce electromagnetic radiation by 98%, has a sound delivery tube. Even with a tangle with a special acoustic system. Therefore, prevention of edema and other health problems, headaches, tissue, can reduce the thermal effect on the tissue. And provides no protection for the rest of the body, as opposed to a hands-free device, is found to be useful for radiation, wherein the air tube RF receiver. Another useful innovation is the Cell chip. This can provide protection from the harmful effects of radiation, eliminating the effects of electromagnetic fields. It can be installed not only in a mobile phone, one Bluetooth device.

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